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How Do Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Settlements Work?

After a loved one suffers from injuries to the brain, you are entitled to compensation. However, mild traumatic brain injury settlements can be complex and lengthy. Here’s how these settlements work.

The experiencing of a brain injury can be devastating and complex. The consequences of a traumatic brain injury can include loss of motor skills; decline in memory proficiency; and the loss of ability to properly regulate emotion.

Sufferers can lose abilities that they once had, resulting in emotional and mental stress, along with losing their ability to hold down a job or take care of a family.

This can negatively affect not only the victim of the injury, but their loved ones, as well. To make matters even more difficult, the sufferer is often aware of the fact that he or she is no longer able to function in the way that was once considered normal. They are often in mourning, not only over the injury, but about the loss of their established sense of self.

Laws Regarding Injuries of the Brain

In light of the extensive nature of this type of injury, brain injury laws in the United States have been established toward ensuring that the care for a brain injured person is applicable to the situation. Laws such as:

  • The directive to remove a person from associated activity
  • To provide adequate screenings for the injury
  • To provide adequate and ongoing healthcare for the injured are now included in our statutes
  • And, due to the personality and function alterations of the injury, law enforcement officers are now directed to receive training about how those with such an injury may be prone to act out of character

The existence of these laws are an indication of the significance of suffering a traumatic brain injury. If you or a loved one are affected by this tragedy, there is often a need to seek compensation from the party which contributed to it.

Costs for medical bills; rehabilitation; ongoing care; and loss of wages are the tangible aspects of the loss.

The emotional and psychological losses – of self and of place in society – are often even more of a tragedy.

During mild traumatic brain injury settlements, both forms of loss can be addressed.